Ilana McBain Poetry Art Prints

“If you are a lucky person. A truly lucky person. Then you shall earn yourself the respect of soulmates. Who will be the reassuring forces of comfort, Just by you knowing that they are there.”

Welcome to ilana McBain Poetry Prints Collection, where words come alive with emotions and creativity. Explore the artistry of language with Ilana’s exclusive Original Poetry Prints, meticulously crafted and illustrated to add a touch of eloquence to any space.

Express Your Deepest Feelings

When I write, my words pour out of me unchecked. I breathe them out because they feel right. There is hardly a thought present. There are only feelings and the desire to express and share.I used to write for myself, but now I want to shout it out loud for the world to hear.

I paint a scene. I place you in a moment with no entry and no exit. A moment in time that can belong to anybody.

An observation, a thought, a lesson, a question, a wish.



Why Gift Poetry?

Every piece of poetry Ilana McBain creates uniquely expresses her deep understanding of the human condition. Gift a poem, and you're gifting a piece of your soul, a message that echoes the sentiments too deep for voiced words alone. In the dance of verses, emotions find a voice, forming tales of love, joy, and connections that pierce the heartstrings.

Sometimes, our thoughts falter and stumble in the labyrinth of feelings, but a well-crafted poem becomes the compass, guiding sentiments to be expressed gracefully. It's a treasure map to the heart, where every stanza whispers the unspoken, elations, speeding heartbeats, a gift that speaks when words may be so powerfull.

Poetry Gallery