Ilana’s Story

The world is so beautiful, with many landscapes and cultures of different characteristics. We are born a blank canvas. From childhood, our persona begins to form based on our surroundings, events we are part of, and the influence and lessons we learn from our family and peers. Our life is an intricate road of learning, decisions, cause and effect.

-ilana McBain-

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Early Years in Belarus

Early Years in Belarus

The year was 1966, and on a sunny summer Saturday at 6:45 am, I made my entrance into the world in the heart of Belarus, Minsk. The pleasant Belarusian summers, with average temperatures in the mid-20s and glorious sunny days, set the backdrop for the early chapters of my life. As the first child of Larisa and Felix Goberman, I was also the first granddaughter on my mother's side, born into the warm embrace of my great-grandmother Pola's home. Pola, a kind and gentle lady, centred her life around caring for the family. Although she left this world when I was a teenager, her memory and the imprint of her kindness and love linger.

My great-grandmother Pola, my grandparents Sofia and Vladimir, and my aunt Mira lived under the same roof with my parents and myself. The house may not have been enormous, but it resonated with peace and security. Both of my parents worked in the same factory where they met. My father, an engineer, and my mother, in the accounts department, shared a unique connection that blossomed into a lifelong partnership.

Family Heritage and Holocaust Shadows

Yet, the shadows of the Holocaust loomed over my family's history. My grandparents were survivors—my grandfather Vladimir, a partisan who miraculously escaped the clutches of the Nazis, and my grandmother Sofia, a strong and inspiring woman celebrating her 99th birthday as I pen these words. On my father's side, my grandfather, Yevil Davidovich, a highly educated man with a distinguished military career, and my grandmother Esfira, a devoted homemaker, instilled the importance of education in their children. My father, once a talented gymnast dreaming of a circus performer's life, eventually pursued engineering, managing the technology department in a technological factory in Minsk.

A Challenging Start

My premature birth in the eighth month presented a challenging situation, weighing just 1.9kg. The family learned of my arrival by reading the newborn list on the hospital wall, as no one was allowed inside. I faced additional complications, losing 300 grams post-birth. Thankfully, my decline reversed, and I was released when I reached 1.8kg.

The challenges continued as I was born with hip dysplasia, requiring a rigid metal brace for the first six months of my life. By age two, I faced another hurdle, spending a year in the hospital with sandbags strapped to my legs to straighten them. The treatment, though harsh, proved successful, sparing me a lifetime of walking with a limp.

Childhood Memories

Childhood stories abound—mischief that surfaced at family gatherings, like iodine spills and broken crystal vases. Kindergarten marked a period of separation anxiety, tearfully watching my great-grandmother leave each day. Amid these memories, fragments of life in Belarus linger—garlic and shallots on the windowsill, a snow ramp built by my father, and a cherished fluffy white hat.

The Move to Israel

A pivotal moment came when my parents attended a party discussing the state of Israel. Inspired by the conversations, they boldly decided to leave Belarus and immigrate to Israel. The journey wasn't easy; my father's persistent visits to the Russian immigration office eventually permitted us to go. In 1972, at thirty-three, twenty-six, and five, my parents and I embarked on a life-changing adventure, leaving behind our beloved family for a new horizon in Israel.

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Israel, art, friendships and resilience.

Settling in Nahariya

Fast forward to 1972, and in my early childhood, the landscape shifted to a small developing town in Israel—Nahariya. Nestled on the northwest coast, Nahariya became our home until I completed primary school at fourteen. One of my earliest memories revolves around the joy of drawing and tracing with older girls from our neighbours' flats—a moment that ignited my lifelong love for art. Throughout school and life, art remained a subject and a cherished activity that fueled my creativity.

Family and Friendship Bonds

As life unfolded, my mother's family, Pola, Sofia, and Vladimir, joined us in Israel. My great-grandmother Pola moved in with us, offering care and support while my parents worked. Living in a melting-pot neighbourhood on Eshkol Street, we experienced a vibrant mix of cultures worldwide. While most families interacted with those from their homeland, my childhood friendships defined geographic boundaries, particularly with Nurit and Shimon.

Nurit, Shimon, and I were inseparable friends. Our cup-and-string phone system, spanning our apartment windows, symbolised our bond. Nurit played a pivotal role in my school life, where the rigid system didn't quite resonate with me. We navigated the challenges together, supporting each other and sharing test answers. Despite my father's strictness, I found creative ways to navigate the school system, even if it meant occasional mischief. Nurit's family home became a second home to me, filled with the aroma of authentic Tunisian couscous and warm hospitality. We spent countless hours fishing on the pier, riding bikes, and dancing at the town square's weekly Israeli dancing evenings. Nurit's influence on me transcended childhood; we remain in touch today.

Family Dynamics and Passion for Cars

My father's passion shone through in the realm of cars, from the fabulous sporty Ford Capri to the fascinating Citroen with its unique technology. Our home, equipped with a good stereo and colour TV, reflected my parents' love for technology.

Lessons Learned and Challenges Faced

Amid the joy of childhood, an unpleasant incident taught me the power of words. Repeating offensive remarks I'd heard from

adults left me with lasting regret, shaping my commitment to kindness and open-mindedness. Life in Nahariya had challenges, including the Yom Kippur War and the Lebanon War in 1982. The proximity to the Lebanese border brought the unsettling reality of Katyusha bombings and terrorist attacks. Despite the harsh conditions, I learned valuable lessons about the futility of anger and hate. The experience fostered a commitment to letting go of the quest to conquer and possess. The fear of losing loved ones to war, as my father went on reserve duty, added another layer of complexity to daily life.

Transition to Kiryat Bialik

A move to Kiryat Bialik marked a new chapter. High school at Ort Bialik introduced me to the world of fashion design, where precision and flair took centre stage. I excelled in sewing, turning my designs into tangible clothes. With a focus on the future, I received the first prize for my design at the fashion finals parade night, a moment that both excited and tugged at my heart.

Embracing Change and Resilience

The journey from Nahariya to Kiryat Bialik encapsulated the essence of change, growth, and resilience. Despite the challenges, or instead learning my lessons due to my circumstances, I entered adulthood with confidence in my abilities, ready to embrace the future with an open heart and a love for the arts that would shape my path ahead.

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Australia, stepping into independence.

Settling in Australia

Australia has been an incredible journey for me, a place that felt like home from the very moment I set foot on its soil. The stark contrast between the vast highways of Melbourne and the suburban tranquillity where my uncle's family lived left a lasting impression on me, a sensation of quietness and warm calmness that I hadn't experienced before. I arrived in Australia ahead of my parents and siblings, ready to embrace a new life. With the help of my uncle, I organised a place for my family to live and started integrating into the Australian way of life.

Lessons Learned in the Professional World

My aspirations leaned towards becoming a fashion designer, and I eagerly sought job opportunities in design. My initial job interview taught me a valuable lesson about seizing opportunities. Despite a positive interview experience, I followed my uncle's advice and hesitated when offered a position. Unfortunately, that hesitation cost me the job. From then on, I learned to accept opportunities with open arms rather than playing games. My journey into the professional world led me to a position at "ADA Production" in Collingwood, where I delved into the intricacies of swimwear manufacturing. Though the role involved less design than I initially envisioned, I gained invaluable insights into the industrial process and formed a deep respect for my colleagues.

Reflections on Upbringing

Reflecting on my upbringing, I recognised that I am strong but not hard to live with, as my father pointed out. Growing up, my strong-mindedness and independence were often misunderstood as arrogance. In my household, my siblings and I had to navigate emotional and occasional physical abuse, creating a need for emotional survival and independence. As a young adult, I concealed my fears and kept my emotions private due to a lack of trust in confiding with my mother. Constant clashes with my father and the pressure to meet certain expectations resulted in a tense household. Despite these challenges, I remained focused on aligning my actions with my goals, resisting the urge to act irrationally in response to the lack of trust and shaming.

Pursuit of Freedom and Self-Discovery

The turning point in my pursuit of freedom came when I was accepted to the Sydney Institute of the Arts at 19. Despite resistance from my parents, I made the courageous decision to move to Sydney, hoping to make my father proud and escape a constricting home environment. Sydney brought its challenges, and my time in college was marked by survival rather than a seamless academic journey. I took a year off, intending to return, but that never materialised. The rigid structure of institutional education didn't align with my creative spirit, leading me to explore my passion for painting.

Conclusion of Independence Journey

Returning to Melbourne at 25 marked a gradual loss of touch with friends from Sydney, but the memories of my time in Sydney remain vivid. The journey of independence was an entire milestone of experiences, challenges, and self-discovery, shaping me into the person I am today.

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What Drives Me? Discovering My Passion and Purpose in Life.

A Commitment to a Fulfilled and Purposeful Life

What drives me? I am driven by my commitment to living a fulfilling and purposeful life, leaving the world a little better than I found. This motivation stems from a blend of personal experiences, artistic passions, and the desire to contribute positively to the lives of others.

The Influence of Art and Creativity

Art has always been a cornerstone of my existence, a source of joy, and a medium for self-expression. Art has been a constant companion from my early childhood in Nahariya, tracing and drawing with the older girls, to my time at the Sydney Institute of the Arts. The creative process allows me to explore my inner world and communicate emotions that words sometimes fail to capture. I found a sense of purpose and fulfilment through painting, fashion design, and other artistic endeavours I enjoyed creating.

Writing poetry, designing, and collaborating with creative people further fuel my passion. Poetry allows me to delve deep into my thoughts and emotions, crafting words that resonate with both my experiences and those of others. Designing and working with other creatives offer a dynamic exchange of ideas and inspiration, enriching my artistic journey and broadening my horizons.

The Power of Resilience

My life's journey has taught me resilience. Overcoming the challenges of my premature birth, dealing with physical health issues in early childhood, and navigating a complex family dynamic have instilled in me a deep well of strength. This resilience has carried me through difficult times and has become a driving force behind my desire to help others find their strength.

The Importance of Relationships

Relationships have played a crucial role in shaping my motivations. The unconditional love and support from my family, the camaraderie and friendship I developed, and the guidance and wisdom I seek daily have all left indelible marks on my heart. These connections remind me of the importance of community and our impact on one another's lives.

The love and safety of my family and friends are paramount. Their well-being is a constant source of motivation, driving me to create a secure and nurturing environment for those I care about. This sense of responsibility also extends to the broader community; the safety and happiness of people worldwide are causes close to my heart.

Learning from Adversity

Adversity has been an influential teacher. The lessons learned from losing opportunities due to hesitation, the struggles during wars in Israel, and the emotional challenges within my family have all contributed to my personal growth. These experiences have taught me the value of seizing opportunities, fostering kindness, and maintaining a positive outlook despite hardship.

Giving Back and Making a Difference

I am driven by a profound desire to give back to society. Whether through mentoring young artists, volunteering in community projects, or simply supporting friends and family, I strive to make a positive impact. I am leaving the world a little better, which fuels my daily actions and long-term goals.